Monday 31 May 2010


I dont know which is better?


For some, odd, reason, the sky here reminds me of what I imagine would happen just before the end of the world..

riverside, new camera

I took one of these pictures and using an inkjet printer I printed it out onto a fabric/canvas sheet and then wrapped the edges tightly around a frame and made my very own professional looking photo/picture for the wall! I reckon I might start doing this more because it a good and relatively cheap way to make personal presents for people/

Tuesday 18 May 2010

street through a window..

I would loved to have used a flashgun for this shot and bounced some light off the window frame to give it a more interesting illuminated effect, unfortunately I am still saving up to get one so until then these kind of shots have to stay in my imagination.

nature tidbits

I find the last picture quite beautiful, lots of people however, think that it is dull. I like to look beyond the obvious parts of a picture sometimes and see the beauty in other things, here I really like the rich colours of the rotting leaves peeking out underneath the mud.